Monday, August 22, 2005

Move It!

Fantastic therapy visit today. Therapist was off for the day but for a vendor demo meeting and us, so we actually had our full 90 minutes (plus a lil extra!).

Our discoveries? Well, the bad first. Her fibrosis in the tops of her foot that was responding so well to the chip bags (pics tomorrow, they're bandaged to her feet just now) is not responding as well and for some reason the fluid in her toes on one foot seemed to be moving to the bottom side of the toe (bottom of foot) rather than out.

So we decided to try something new. She borrowed a couple of vibrating massagers from the OTs and while she used the larger on the dorsum of her right foot, I used this puppy (yes, I did order one for home tonight) on one of her toes, one of the worst ones. I literally, in the course of 30 minutes, got to watch the toe develop wrinkles as the fluid moved. We bandaged quick in hopes of keeping this fantastic reduction. Not so much size reduction, not too visible, but for the first time ever I could squeeze the bottom area (tween base and joint) of the 2nd toe on her left foot and feel the bone. Prior to this there has always been too much fluid. I am *so* excited!

I would get more specific on methodology but its 1am & Im tired. If ya really wanna know, comment and let me know and I'll try to be more specific.


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