Monday, December 12, 2005

I *don't* love my insurance, though...

Got a phone call from BioConcepts today, asking for info from the insurance card since the fax was less than legible.

Hope the measurements were!!!

When they called back two hours later to say that ****** wouldn't pay because they are out of network and we haven't met our in or out of network deductibles, let alone the stop loss. Fun.

After a lengthy conversation about trying to get compression garments on a wiggly 4 1/2 year old she talked me out of the toe glove. I'm hoping Gretchen doesn't get torqued about this. And, we can always send them back to have them add them back on.

Total for two custom stockings, to the knee, fuschia, with little horse appliques? $108.00.

Yep, that's it. For BOTH legs. I was expecting about that per... So, annoyed that insurance seems to think they aren't medically necessary and relieved that they are more economical than I expected.

Now the waiting begins - she said 5-7 business days is normal. Hopefully they'll be here by Christmas (they'd look just adorable with the pink ballerina dress under the tree!).


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